What are the benefits of having a massage?


Effects of massage

Massage can stimulate and relax the body and the mind. The skin, blood and lymphatic systems are stimulated, which boosts circulation, aids cellular renewal and removes toxic wastes. As tense muscles relax, stiff joints loosen and nerves are soothed, an all over feeling of relaxation and well-being comes about.

The Nervous System

The nervous system is a highly complex network which relays messages from the brain to the rest of the body. The part of the nervous system which regulates many physiological functions leaves the brain at the base of the skull and runs down the spinal cord, protected by the spine's bony vertebrae. Millions of nerve endings run throughout the body, controlling much of the way it functions. Depending on the depth of massage movements used, the nerve endings can be stimulated or soothed.

The Skin

With massage comes an increase in blood circulation. This helps the exfoliation of superficial dead skin cells, tones the skin and invigorates its renewal process. Massage helps with maintenance of the collagen fibres which gives skin its elasticity and strength, and helps keep wrinkles at bay. The activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands, which lubricate and moisturise the skin, is regulated.

Your Muscles

With the increased blood circulation, the bloods vital nutrients circulate more effectively. Massage is very popular with sports men and women because it can improve muscle tone, restore mobility and ensure the elimination of waste products after exercise.
With regular massage, strains and sprains heal far more rapidly while calf cramps and stiff muscles can become a thing of the past. Massage before an exercise or training session will help loosen and warm up the muscles. Massage after an exercise or training session will ease sore aching limbs.

Circulation & Lymphatic Systems

Massage dilates the blood vessels which increases blood circulation. A good circulatory system means that an efficient supply of the bloods constituents, including oxygen and essential nutrients, reaches the billions of individual cells. This is vital for the healthy functioning of the entire body, from the muscles to internal organs such as the kidney and liver.

Simultaneously, the increase in blood circulation helps to accelerate the lymphatic system, which absorbs and eliminates waste substances. Unlike the blood circulation which has the heart to pump it round, the lymphatic system has no pump of its own, and is totally dependent on muscular action for its efficiency. Massage is an important means of speeding up the flow of lymph and encouraging a more effective filtering and elimination of waste throughout the body. An efficient lymphatic system provides the body with a strong immune system to fight against infections and disease.



Massage mobilizes the digestive system so that the processes of assimilation and elimination are improved helping problems like constipation and flatulence. The digestive system is quick to respond to stress and the reduction in anxiety and tension which comes with regular massage and a regulating effect on the digestion.


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